Stoller Academy Blog
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9 | 04 | 2020 0

The United Nations has declared 2020 International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) and Stoller, as a company committed to knowledge and research, joins the event that aims to raise awareness about a problem of international scale. Plant health protection can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment and stimulate economic development. FAO estimates that agricultural […]

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2 | 08 | 2019 0

Recommendations for a good flowering, fruit set and fruit retention During the winter period, we begin with the preparations for the start of a new agricultural season, trying to be very attentive to the evolution and accumulation of winter cold (chill hours based on 7 °C, portions, etc.), given that historically it has been the […]

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22 | 03 | 2019 0

Members of the technical departments of the subsidiaries Stoller Centro América, Stoller Argentina and Stoller Chile explain the role of Zinc as an essential micronutrient for all crops. This is a training that is part of the ‘Training For Trainers’ program of Stoller Academy, aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences among the subsidiaries of Stoller […]

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28 | 02 | 2019 6

The success of any fruit exporter is based on obtaining a high number of export boxes of the highest quality per unit of planted area while maintaining a low production cost. Pineapple does not escape this rule and it is vital to produce fruits of good size and excellent external and internal appearance at a […]

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12 | 12 | 2018 0

Saline stress The world population is suffering an exponential increase that requires to be followed by an increase of 70% of the current agricultural production, according to FAO. This production growth has been assumed for a long time by the abuse of fertilizers and water resources. Today, the salinization of soils and aquifers, together with […]

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7 | 05 | 2018 6

Plants may have a simple structure externally, consisting mainly of the stem, leaves, flowers and the roots. However, internally there is a whole world of complex mechanisms working together to carry out the different physiological activities. The main force driving plant growth is water. It is the main component of the plant, constituting up to […]

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27 | 03 | 2018 7

For many years Agronomists and Agricultural Engineers have tried to face the challenges of modern agriculture using the tools we thought we had at our disposal: the best selected seeds, the best commercial varieties, the best substrates or soil preparation, the latest advances in plant nutrition, all those phytosanitary weapons approved at our disposal and […]

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13 | 03 | 2018 0

Stoller Europe experience. Throughout last week, in the area of ​​Covilhã (Portugal) and specifically in the town of Orjais -where the nectarine plantation is located, whose pictures are attached -, “white” frosts occurred, caused by evaporation or convection, reaching temperatures as low as (-3.5) C. This type of frost damages the plant by taking advantage […]

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7 | 03 | 2018 0

Crops face a multitude of adverse situations throughout their growth cycle, with abiotic stress in general, and heat stress in particular, being an ever-growing determinant factor of annual production losses worldwide. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the global human population will grow until reaching 9.7 billion people. With the increasing population, food […]

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19 | 02 | 2018 0

Citrus production in Spain accounts for 5% of the world’s production, being the seventh country in importance, behind: China, Brazil, USA, Mexico and India. The percentage of surface area destined to this crop in Spain, is distributed as follows: 55.4% corresponds to the Valencian Community; 29.4% to Andalusia; 12.2% to Murcia and, finally, the remaining […]

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